10 years of experience
200-hr Ajarya Yoga Academy Hatha Yoga Rishikesh, India certification
All of our trainers are experts at what they are doing. Each of them is certified by the leading European and USA schools and have from 2 to 15 years work experience.
3 years of experience
Level 2 Stretching Instructor Certification
7 years of experience
Best Boxing Trainer Award 2018 in England + nominations in 2020 and 2021
Originally from Columbia, been living in London for the last 4 years. Olivia is a trained circus performer and acrobat, passionate about health and fitness. Loves nothing more than pushing herself to her absolute max in training. Always bringing the energy and sass!
As a trainer, Jess' core belief is in empowering people to feel strong, confident and full of life. She believes that movement has the capability to do this, which is what drives her passion to get everyone active.
12 years of experience
Certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE)
Once discovering yoga, it strongly resonated with Gustav’s own life views, and he enjoys nothing more than watching people grow happier by achieving new milestones on their own infinite yoga journey.
Katrin will be your biggest cheerleader; her energy, community spirit and bubbly personality are guaranteed to brighten your day. Fitness for Katrin is a time to disconnect from the world and do something for yourself. A chance to discover how strong both your mind and body can be.